When the Deportation began in August 1755, a significant Acadian population lived in the region of the Trois-Rivières (Chipoudie, Memramkouke and Petcoudiac). The British authorities decided that, given the independent character of these inhabitants, they were to be deported immediately, a move which was met with stiff opposition.

As early as September 1755, armed resistance fighters inflicted a major setback on the British soldiers sent to burn the Acadian villages along the Petcoudiac. For three years, entrenched in the upper reaches of the river and under the leadership of the Broussard (Beausoleil) brothers, the Acadians waged incessant guerrilla warfare against the British. But in the summer of 1758, they lost their first combat, the battle of the Cran (Stoney Creek). That autumn, the final destruction of the Acadian villages brought an end to the resistance on the Petcoudiac.

Even though many of these Acadians were pursued, decimated by illness and imprisoned, they still managed to avoid the Deportation, thus allowing Acadie to survive. While some families chose to leave voluntarily for Louisiana, others remained in their native land to build the new Acadie.

Source : texte inscrit sur le Monument.